• What to Know About Robotic Hernia Surgery
    At Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute, with locations in La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, we offer robotic hernia surgery. It has its share of benefits when you compare it Read more
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: How it Affects Your GI Tract
    Could IBD be causing your diarrhea or abdominal pain? When you’re dealing with a slew of gastrointestinal issues our La Grange, Elmhurst and Berwyn, IL, board-certified surgeons may want to rule Read more
  • The Importance of Obtaining Care for Surgical Disease Despite the Pandemic
    Are you putting off the medical care you need out of fear of Covid-19? With the ever-growing concerns about Covid-19, our La Grange, IL, Elmhurst, IL, and Berwyn, IL, general surgeons Read more
  • What To Know About Antireflux Surgery
    If you’re interested in learning more about antireflux surgery in La Grange, IL, Elmhurst, IL, and Berwyn, IL, let the team at Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute help. What Exactly Is Read more
  • What Gastric Bypass Can Do for You
    If you are considering weight loss surgery, it is important to understand that there are a number of options all with their own advantages and disadvantages. Working with a trusted Read more
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: What Is The Cause?
    Inflammatory bowel disease is a term used to describe disorders that cause chronic inflammation in your digestive tract. The two types of inflammatory bowel disease are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Read more
  • What is Bariatric Surgery?
    For many people, weight loss is a simple formula for eating less and moving more. They follow the steps and lose weight. It is not so easy for everyone, though. Read more
  • Everything You Should Know About Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    Inflammatory bowel disease affects many people so it’s important that you understand what inflammatory bowel disease is and what may put you at a higher risk for having it. Your Read more
  • When do I Need Bariatric Surgery?
    Bariatric surgery from your surgeons in LaGrange, Berwyn, and Elmhurst, IL, can help you regain your health. Obesity is an epidemic in this country. Fast food, a diet high in saturated Read more
  • What is a Full Cancer Screening?
    A full cancer screening can include various diagnostic tests to check for several different types of cancer. Undergoing a screening helps identify cancer during the early stages when it’s easier Read more
  • What is a Gastric Bypass?
    Gastric bypass surgery is a type of surgery that can aid in weight loss for eligible candidates. The procedure involves reducing the size of the stomach, which limits the amount Read more
  • When Do I Need a Colon Cancer Screening?
    If you are between the ages of 45 and 75 years old, it may be time for a colorectal cancer screening. Even if you are younger but have a family Read more
  • When Is Surgery Needed To Treat Acid Reflux?
    Acid reflux is a common digestive disease in which stomach acid or bile irritates your esophagus. Anytime acid reflux is chronic or uncontrolled, it is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease Read more
  • How Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease Diagnosed and Managed?
    Inflammatory bowel disease can cause lasting issues outside of your intestines if it’s not properly dealt with by your proper surgeons. Your doctors at Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute in Read more
  • What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?
    On average, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their life. It’s also possible for men to be diagnosed with breast cancer but is extremely rare. Read more
  • What Is Benign Breast Disease?
    Discovering a lump in your breast does necessarily mean that you have cancer. Here’s what you should know.  You’re standing in the shower, performing a self-exam when you notice a lump. Read more

Please call our office number (708)484-0621 for all questions and appointment requests.