What Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Involve?

Gastric bypass surgery is a procedure for reducing the size of the stomach to aid in weight loss. Making the stomach smaller limits the amount of food a patient is able to intake so fewer calories are consumed, which should lead to weight loss. The board-certified bariatric doctors at Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute in La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, can determine if gastric bypass surgery is a possibility for you. 

What Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Involve? 

At our medical offices in La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, gastric bypass surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach and bypassing a portion of the small intestine. The first step is to make the stomach smaller by dividing it into two separate sections. A specialized stapler is used to form a small pouch in the upper area of the stomach. The rest of the stomach remains intact. 

Once the stomach is divided into two sections, the lower end of the small intestine is brought up and connected to the small pouch in the upper portion of the stomach. Then the upper end of the small intestine is attached to the lower area of the stomach. 

Following gastric bypass surgery, the larger lower portion of the stomach will no longer be involved in the digestion of food. Everything eaten goes directly to the small pouch in the upper area of the stomach. Since the pouch is small, patients feel full faster and eat less. 

How Does Gastric Bypass Help with Weight Loss?

There are several ways that gastric bypass surgery aids in weight loss. First, making the stomach smaller restricts the amount of food that can be consumed at once. As patients take in fewer calories each day, weight loss begins to occur. Metabolic changes also occur in which the hormones regulating appetite and metabolism are altered, causing patients to feel less hungry.

Malabsorption is another way gastric bypass surgery helps patients lose weight. Malabsorption refers to absorbing fewer calories from the foods that are consumed. Much of food absorption and digestion occurs in the upper portion of the small intestine. Since this area is bypassed after separating the stomach into two parts, fewer calories are absorbed by the body. 

Are There Any Additional Benefits of Gastric Bypass?

In addition to weight loss, there are several other benefits to gastric bypass surgery. Many patients with type 2 diabetes go into remission following the procedure. Other conditions that often improve after gastric bypass include acid reflux, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and obstructive sleep apnea.

Who is a Candidate for Gastric Bypass?

Candidates for gastric bypass should be in good overall health and be able to implement certain lifestyle changes following the procedure. Additionally, candidates should be either 100 pounds overweight or have a body mass index of 40 or above. Gastric bypass is also a possibility for candidates with a body mass index of 35 or higher who also have an obesity-related health condition. 

Gastric bypass aids in weight loss and helps improve various weight-related conditions. For gastric bypass in La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, call the Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute at (708) 484-0621.

Please call our office number (708)484-0621 for all questions and appointment requests.