FAQs About Anti-Reflux Surgery

Is it time to consider anti-reflux surgery?

The occasional bout of acid reflux can be annoying. Still, dealing with it multiple times a week can be painful, disruptive, and a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If your acid reflux is severe or causing significant damage to the esophagus lining, our La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, board-certified surgeons may recommend anti-reflux surgery.

Why Is Anti-reflux Surgery Performed?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease can cause painful, disruptive, and recurring acid reflux, which can also lead to serious damage to the lining of the esophagus. GERD must be properly controlled, and while surgery isn’t typically the first treatment option offered, if you find that you cannot fully control your symptoms with nonsurgical treatments alone, then anti-reflux surgery could provide you with the results you’re looking for.

How Does Anti-reflux Surgery Work?

Fortunately, GERD can often be treated laparoscopically, which is far less invasive than traditional surgical methods. We do these types of procedures robotically as well as laparoscopically. During anti-reflux surgery, also referred to as Nissen fundoplication, our La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, surgical team will administer general anesthesia. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, our team will make several tiny incisions in the stomach. We will place small tools into the incision to tighten the esophageal sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus to prevent acid reflux.

How Long Does Laparoscopic Gerd Surgery Take?

It can take up to three hours to perform the surgery, but you’ll be under the effects of general anesthesia the whole time. Once the procedure is complete, you will be wheeled into the recovery room for several hours to let the effects of the anesthesia wear off before you are sent home.

What Is the Recovery Process Like?

While you can go back to light activities around the house after your surgery, you will want to avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting for at least four weeks. You will come back into our office to monitor your recovery process and let you know when you are approved to go back to your everyday activities, including exercise. You will likely need to follow up with us about two to four weeks after your surgery.

When Is Anti-reflux Surgery Necessary?

If you are dealing with acid reflux at least twice a week, then it’s time to turn to our team to find out if you could be dealing with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD requires treatment, as untreated GERD can increase your risk for further health complications, including throat cancer. While lifestyle changes and prescription medications are often the first courses of action, our team may recommend laparoscopic or robotic anti-reflux surgery if you find that non-surgical treatment options aren’t providing you with relief.

Are you dealing with painful, persistent acid reflux that doesn’t respond effectively to non-surgical options? Wondering if you could be a good candidate for anti-reflux surgery? If so, our La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, team can help you determine if anti-reflux surgery is right for you. Call Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute at (708) 484-0621 to schedule an evaluation.

Please call our office number (708)484-0621 for all questions and appointment requests.